10 things that affect life insurance rates are:
1) Age
2) Gender
3) Tobacco use
4) Build
5) Health
6) Dangerous hobbies
7) Being a pilot
8) Type of policy chosen
9) The company through which the policy is purchased
10) Rates in the industry at that time
As a rule, the older the age the policy insures you to, the higher the rates.
Business Development Officer, T.D. McNeil Insurance Services, Fresno, California
If your question is what affects the stability of life insurance rates, the answer is, “not very much.” Life insurance rates are based on multiple millions of lives and death rates are predictable. A dramatic change in the financial markets could affect life insurance rates if the companies cannot earn the necessary returns to maintain their promises. A dramatic epidemic could affect rates. Recently rates were affected by regulation. These changes are generally small.
1) Age
2) Gender
3) Tobacco use
4) Build
5) Health
6) Dangerous hobbies
7) Being a pilot
8) Type of policy chosen
9) The company through which the policy is purchased
10) Rates in the industry at that time
As a rule, the older the age the policy insures you to, the higher the rates.