To cancel life insurance, contact the agent who sold it to you, or contact Primerica directly, and ask them to cancel it. They will provide you with paperwork to sign and fax or mail back to give your legal assent to the cancellation. If there is an automatic withdrawal set up for payments, they may assist you in discontinuing that.
You can also cancel Term coverage with most companies by simply not paying on it for two months, after which time it will exceed the grace period and cancel automatically.
CEO, RLI - Ruth Ladas Insurance, LLC, Fort Myers, Florida
There is usually a form to request cancellation of a policy. Before cancelling, be sure to get advice from an insurance professional. Depending on the policy and the details a conversion may be a better option. You may lose some important benefits by cancelling your policy.
You can also cancel Term coverage with most companies by simply not paying on it for two months, after which time it will exceed the grace period and cancel automatically.