1. 15645 POINTS
    Edward HarrisPRO
    Owner, Best Health And Car Insurance Rates - Instant Online Quotes, US
    Life insurance covers cirrhosis as it covers every other disease. Whether it is an accident or illness, these would be covered under almost every policy from a major carrier.

    Occasionally, you may see some exclusions or waiting periods written into specific types of plans. A full-time broker is your best resource to investigate these policies.
    Answered on June 4, 2013
  2. 63333 POINTS
    Peggy Mace
    Most of the U.S.
    If you have liver cirrhosis at the time of applying for life insurance, you will most likely be unable to qualify for a medically underwritten policy. There are some simplified issue policies that do not ask about liver disease, and guaranteed issue policies will not decline due to cirrhosis. To see whether there are any simplified or guaranteed issue policies that you qualify for in your state, contact a good impaired risk life insurance provider or website.
    Answered on June 6, 2013
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