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Anybody can apply for life insurance, but you must be approved to actually purchase coverage.
Typically, you must have a specific need for coverage or an insurable interest. You also must be able to afford the policy you are contemplating buying and you may need to answer medical AND financial questions. Often, a physical is also required.
Anyone who can prove insurable interest between the insured and the beneficiaries as well as justify the amount of coverage may apply for life insurance coverage. The second condition is your health condition. Life insurance is a mortality product. Your premium will be a function of your health, the healthier the insured, the lower the premium.
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Insurance is based on a couple of factors including age, current health, smoker or not, weight, amount requested, etc. Anyone who can qualify can apply for and typically purchase life insurance. You must have what is referred to as "Insurable interes" in order to apply. That means that you must personally experience some form of economic loss in the event of death. Its best to apply while you are younger, healthy and no histroy of hospitalization if possible although we can also insure people who dont fit exactly into that catagory.
Typically, you must have a specific need for coverage or an insurable interest. You also must be able to afford the policy you are contemplating buying and you may need to answer medical AND financial questions. Often, a physical is also required.