How Much Critical Illness Insurance To Buy?
- 12689 POINTSview profileTed RatliffOwner, SFS Associates,It would depend on your individual situation. I would look at how much money you would need to keep the family going if you develop a critical illness and cannot work. Take in consideration disability payments, health insurance, and affordability. A good agent will sit down and help you evaluate your individual situation.Answered on May 23, 2013flag this answer
- 95 POINTSview profileisrael arochoInsurance Agent, Aflac, Miami, FLIt would depend on your individual situation. The quick answer would be as much as you can afford. Take into consideration what you will lose in income and what expenses you might incur. Aflac has a tool on their site that can help determine the cost of an illness called the real cost calculator. Check it out at This you figure out what you might need and possible cost.Answered on May 23, 2013flag this answer
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