1. 11783 POINTS
    Larry GilmorePRO
    Agent Owner, Gilmore Insurance Services, Marysville, Washington State
    When is the right time to get life insurance? Probably when your health is great and you don't feel the need. It is funny but for the people who wait till the time is right, they often find their health has changed and the opportunity to get coverage at the best possible rate has passed. I guess you ask yourself "do I have a need?" if yes, then that's the right time.
    Answered on May 19, 2013
  2. 1165 POINTS
    Chris Abrams
    Founder, Abrams Insurance Solutions, Inc., San Diego, CA
    The right time to get life insurance is as soon as possible when you have a need.  You never know what is around the corner and it would be unfortunate to be procrastinating on this purchase and then have an unexpected accident.  Life insurance premiums are based on age (and other variables) and you will never be younger than you are right now.
    Answered on May 19, 2013
  3. 0 POINTS
    David RacichPRO
    Fountain Hills, Arizona
    Life insurance is a basic indemnification product for defensive planning in case the family bread winner, business partner and charity donor dies. If there is no potential or real economic loss for these beneficiaries, then life insurance is unnecessary. But in our culture, self-insured scenarios are rare. Most need at least temporary coverage provided by term life insurance and the best time to obtain coverage is when you’re healthy.
    Answered on May 19, 2013
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