Original Medicare does not cover gym memberships including member fees for YMCA, YWCA or similar community or private exercise clubs.
Some Medigap plans include programs like Silver Sneakers. The value of those plans may be inflated but if that is something that comes with the plan and the premium is competitive, go for it.
Insurance Representative, Transamerica Agency Network, Louisville KY
Original Medicare (Part A & B) does not cover YMCA or gym membership. Some Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C) does provide gym memberships to their clients. SIlversneakers is a popular program offered by companies that sell Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement Plans. When selecting a plan evaluate the premium you are paying with the benefits the plan provides, do not base your decision on whether they offer a gym membership. Premiums vary considerably between companies that offer these plans. You may save more than enough to buy a gym membership by purchasing a plan that does not offer one because the premium cost much less.
Some Medigap plans include programs like Silver Sneakers. The value of those plans may be inflated but if that is something that comes with the plan and the premium is competitive, go for it.