When Does Car Insurance Total A Car?
- 14231 POINTSview profileTom SheehanAgency Owner, The Thomas G Sheehan Agency, 27 Glen Road Sandy Hook, CT 06482That is a great question, but it really depends on the company I believe. In my experience, a general rule of thumb to keep in mind is, if the repair estimate provided by the repair shop is in the neighborhood of about 70% of the "book value" of the car, it is likely that the Professional Claims Adjuster will determine the car to be "totalled". Here's the thing. The estimates are completed as accurately as possible, but really are dependent upon what the technician can see. It is likely that there is damage internally in the structure of the car that cannot be seen until the car is broken down. Additional damage will increase the final cost of the repair.Answered on May 10, 2013flag this answer
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