I bought my home 5 years ago (new construction) Had problems with Allstate regarding my auto insurance. (another story) Their quote at the time was just over $500.00 per year. Over the past 5-1/2 years they have steadily raised my rates until it is now nearly $1,500.00. My mortgage is through the Agricultural program for a government grant loan. My house payments have steadily gone up because of Allstate, according to RFD.
My question is, is this legal? I am 77 years of age and I can’t afford this. Can you advise me as to what I should do.
DO NOT try to save by reducing your liability coverage. If money is tight now, think of how bad it will be if you are raked over the coals by an ambulance chasing lawyer!!
Last… I want to address the “my rate” statement. Yes, that is the amount you are paying each month. Sadly, most customers (just shy of ALL) come to me with no real idea of how “insurance works”. Think of it as OUR insurance. You are in a pool with thousands of others. As people keep jumping in the pool and splashing water out, the water must be replaced. Well, it’s not water… it’s money instead of water that needs to be replenished. So if your neighbor does a “cannon ball” of a claim, say a fire, A LOT has to be replaced. Yes, the neighbors rate radically goes up. Yet everyone in the pool is “sharing the overall risk in an area”. ‘Your rate’ will go up dues to inflation and because the “pool needs to be replenished”. SOMETIMES there is just too much crud in the pool. YOU CAN look into joining a new group of insureds that are in a cleaner pool. SHOP AROUND.
If you have a question, reach out!