This is a subject of some debate and depends upon how strictly you define what health insurance is. Some can trace the origins of health insurance back to the American Civil War era though these were primarily accident policies for travelling by railroad or steamboats (which could be risky propositions back in those days). Others point to a plan offered as early as 1847 by Massachusetts Health Insurance of Boston. Individual disability and illness policies began to be sold to individuals by insurance companies in the 1890's.
What we would recognize as the first modern major medical insurance plan was probably one formed in Dallas, Texas in 1929 when a group of teachers entered into a contract with Baylor Hospital for room, board and medical services in exchange for a fixed monthly fee. This was followed in the early 1930's with several major life insurance companies beginning to market individual and later group health insurance policies. At about the same time the first Blue Cross and Blue Shield hospital and medical plans built on a non-profit model were formed.
What we would recognize as the first modern major medical insurance plan was probably one formed in Dallas, Texas in 1929 when a group of teachers entered into a contract with Baylor Hospital for room, board and medical services in exchange for a fixed monthly fee. This was followed in the early 1930's with several major life insurance companies beginning to market individual and later group health insurance policies. At about the same time the first Blue Cross and Blue Shield hospital and medical plans built on a non-profit model were formed.