1. 11498 POINTS
    Jason Goldenzweig
    Co-Founder, TermInsuranceBrokers.com, Goldenzweig Financial Group, Las Vegas, Nevada
    Generally, it doesn't matter because Medigap plans are standardized - meaning the benefits are exactly the same for a given plan letter (and each carrier has to pay the benefits the same way), regardless of which insurance company is providing the coverage. The only difference between the plans being the price you pay for it.

    One thing you need to consider when deciding which plan you want to apply for and which carrier you want to apply with is what's the status of your current medical history. If you have major medical issues, you may have to stick with the same plan with the same carrier for many years. For example, if you have/recently had cancer, diabetes receiving insulin and have high blood pressure (likely being treated for it for the rest of your life), heart diesease, etc., you may want to look at a plan F or G with a carrier that offers the coverage using the community-rating or issue-age rating methods as these will limit your premiums in the long run because you may not be able to qualify for a Medigap plan with another carrier after your initial open enrollment period.

    If you're someone who doesn't have any health issues and wants just whatever is cheapest for a given plan letter (again, Medigap plans are standardized) and try to reshop for a new plan when your rates go up, then you may want to look at a carrier who uses the attained-age rating method. The attained-age rating method generally offers the cheapest rates for those on the younger side and on Medicare (e.g. ages 65-75), but the rates increase each year (based on age). Remember, every company can have a mid-year rate increase for all of their plans.

    I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help with your coverage, including plan quotes and comparisons, and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.
    Answered on October 13, 2014
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