Co-Founder,, Goldenzweig Financial Group, Las Vegas, Nevada
You can change your Medigap policy at any time during the year. Medigap plans are not restricted to the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP - Oct 15-Dec 7 each year).
If you're outside your initial open enrollment period when you first enrolled in Medicare Part A & Part B and are not eligible for a guaranteed-issue right, then you will have to go through medical underwriting (answering yes/no health questions - there are no exams for Medigap plans).
I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to call me if you have any questions about Medigap plans, including quotes and plan comparisons, and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.
If you're outside your initial open enrollment period when you first enrolled in Medicare Part A & Part B and are not eligible for a guaranteed-issue right, then you will have to go through medical underwriting (answering yes/no health questions - there are no exams for Medigap plans).
I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to call me if you have any questions about Medigap plans, including quotes and plan comparisons, and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.