1. 5527 POINTS
    Marlin McKelvy
    President, Consumer Directed Benefit Solutions, Memphis, Tennessee
    From me, of course. If you are like most Americans shopping for health insurance is not only about as exciting as watching paint dry but you also find yourself in a world you don't fully understand and where the people seem to speak a foreign language. Of course, you can always go online and shop around or, even more fun, go to HealthCare.Gov or your state's health insurance marketplace and shop there. That works for some people but millions of others have learned the painful lesson that there are a lot of factors to consider when making a purchase as important as health insurance that are very difficult to present concisely on a web site.

    Seek out the services of a qualified life and health insurance agent. An independent agent not tied to one specific insurance company can shop the entire marketplace for you and can be impartial. An agent with additional professional certifications such as Chartered Benefits Consultant, Certified Employee Benefits Consultant, Registered Health Underwriter are examples of professionals who have taken their education and training beyond the simple requirements to get a life and health insurance license. These are the characteristics I would recommend you look for in a health insurance agent. It doesn't cost you anything extra to get these professional's services and they do all the work, can answer your questions, and point out those not so obvious issues with provider networks, how your specific medical and/or prescription needs are covered by different plans that the average consumer often misses or doesn't even know to ask about.

    ObamaCare has not made all health insurance policies equal, quite the opposite in fact. Ask your friends or co-workers, do an Internet search for health insurance agents, or contact me. But you'll be glad that you got professional guidance on this matter.
    Answered on October 9, 2014
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