A standard renter’s insurance policy does cover jewelry loss or damage, if as a result of a covered peril. However, these policies contain a limit to the amount that will be paid for each jewelry item. The limits are generally $1,000 or$1,500 for each piece or a set amount for all jewelry lost or damaged at one time by one occurrence.
So, obviously you could have jewelry that is worth a lot more than you would receive in the event of a covered loss. If such a situation exists for you, consider buying additional insurance based on the values of the jewelry. This can be done on an endorsement or separate policy. Check with your agent as to your options. Also, be aware that some pieces may need to be appraised before determining the premium you will be charged.
So, obviously you could have jewelry that is worth a lot more than you would receive in the event of a covered loss. If such a situation exists for you, consider buying additional insurance based on the values of the jewelry. This can be done on an endorsement or separate policy. Check with your agent as to your options. Also, be aware that some pieces may need to be appraised before determining the premium you will be charged.