1. 992 POINTS
    Phil Tuccy
    Owner, Insurance Group Consulting, LLC, Florida
    The breeds of dogs that are specifically excluded from homeowner policies vary by Insurance Carrier.   Some Carriers will not even write the policy and other will charge a higher rate based on their particular underwriting guidelines pertaining to dogs and other potentially dangerous animals.

    According to some of my Carrier contacts, the top five breeds that are almost always excluded are: Pitt Bulls; Rottweilers; German Shepherds; Staffordshires & Chows.  However, you need to ask your agent to give you the lists, by Carrier.  
    Some of the other breeds that came up as possible exclusions:  Great Dane; Akita; Wolf Hybrids (Yikes!); Siberian Huskies & Alaskan Malamutes.  

    Also, it is important to remember that many States have 'strict liability' laws in-place with regard to dig bites from any breed.  This means that the homeowner is automatically at fault for the animal biting someone unless there are certain illegal or obvious provoking activities involved, that can be proven in the event of a bite.    
    The key point is to make sure you reveal to your agent the type of dog or any animal, for that matter that could bite a person, including cats.  Do not conceal this type of information.
    Answered on August 6, 2014
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