What Will Happen To Medicare Advantage Plans?
- 21750 POINTSview profileJim WinklerCEO/Owner, Winkler Financial Group, Houston, TexasThat is an excellent question! According to the latest that I have read, The cuts that the Affordable Care Act ( Obamacare) have mandated are not expected to affect the services provided in any significant way. The cuts are being made in inflated overhead costs, and in benefits paid to health providers who have high rates of return patients. ( ones who were not well when released, or who picked up infections from their hospital stay, most commonly). There undoubtedly will be some providers who will close shop, as they will see significant cuts if they are inefficient, or ineffective in the treatment they provide, and some that were being fraudulent to begin with. Overall, the consensus seems to be that no services will be greatly affected, that billing procedures will be streamlined and improved, and that patients will receive better care. Thanks for asking!Answered on June 6, 2014flag this answer
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