In most cases there are two times when you can cancel your employer health insurance: during your employer's open enrollment, and in the event of a qualifying life event.
Your employer has an open enrollment once per plan year. You can make changes to your elections during this time. Changes become effective in the new plan year.
You can make changes outside the open enrollment if you have a qualifying life event. The changes must be consistent with the life event. Life events that may allow you to cancel coverage are a change in residence, change in martial status (divorce), death of spouse or child, a change employment for a dependent that gains coverage.
Your employer has an open enrollment once per plan year. You can make changes to your elections during this time. Changes become effective in the new plan year.
You can make changes outside the open enrollment if you have a qualifying life event. The changes must be consistent with the life event. Life events that may allow you to cancel coverage are a change in residence, change in martial status (divorce), death of spouse or child, a change employment for a dependent that gains coverage.