What Effect Will Obamacare Have On Medicare?
- 1805 POINTSview profileSamuel SmithEnrolled Agent-licensed to practice before the IRS, Samuel N Smith, EA, South CarolinaThe original plans were to cut $700,000 from Medicare to help pay for ObamaCare. Now that the ObamaCare Roll Out has been so full of questions about the viability of ObamaCare the cuts to Medicare should be restored as the adjustments are made to the health insurance industry to restore a workable health care system. It has seemed extremely strange to me that "our government" would be passing laws that trample the benefits of prior legislation such as social security and medicare and Part D. One would think that if our government cannot fund a new program without having to rob Peter to pay Paul that would assist them in stopping the run away spending trainAnswered on November 17, 2013flag this answer
- 1450 POINTSview profileFred AdamsThe HSA Expert, Health Revival, Athens, GAWhile our President claims his historic reforms will take nothing away from seniors care health benefits, his law arbitrarily claimed costs during the first 10 years would be less than $1 trillion dollars. One of the ways that the Congressional Budget Office came to this estimate was planned cuts of $700 billion in Medicare pending during that same 10-year period, despite the fact that Medicare will have more members than ever. Whether the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services can actually provide coverage for our senior population while saving $700 billion remains to be seen, but the reality of the situation is those savings seem impossible, or highly unlikely at best .Answered on August 17, 2014flag this answer
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