If you are self employed, you generally cannot deduct disability insurance premiums on your taxes. Likewise, if you pay the premium for a group plan, that is not deductible; in fact, if your employer pays the premium, it can be counted as income to you. However, when you receive the benefits of a Disability policy with money that has been taxed, your benefit is usually not taxed.
One way you can deduct Disability Insurance premiums on your taxes is if you are an employee of a C corp, and offer DI to yourself and your employees. However, then you would have to pay taxes on the payments to you if the Disability Insurance was used.
If you are not self employed, you generally cannot deduct Disability Insurance premiums on your taxes. Again, if you become disabled, the payments you receive from your policy will be tax free because you paid for it with after tax dollars.
If you are not self employed, you generally cannot deduct Disability Insurance premiums on your taxes. Again, if you become disabled, the payments you receive from your policy will be tax free because you paid for it with after tax dollars.