1. 63333 POINTS
    Peggy Mace
    Most of the U.S.
    You can get Medicare if you have never worked if:
    1) You are a US citizen, have lived in the US for at least 5 continuous years, take both Medicare A and B, and pay the appropriate premium for Medicare Part A (up to $441/month in 2013); or 
    2) You are the spouse of a an eligible worker who is at least age 62 (for Part A; you can enroll in Part B before your eligible spouse turns age 62);
    3) Miscellaneous other circumstances.
    Answered on September 13, 2013
  2. 2330 POINTS
    Steve Adlman
    Owner, Alabama Medicare Plans, Birmingham, Alabama
    You can get Medicare if you have never worked or paid any Social Security taxes. If you are married or was married for at least 10 years before death or divorce occurred you may be able to get Medicare through your spouse or former spouse. You would have to check with Social Security to see if you could qualify through a spouse. If you cannot qualify through a spouse you can purchase Medicare and the premium for Part A is $411 per month and $121.80 for Part B.
    Answered on January 27, 2016
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