1. 627 POINTS
    Dan Lyles
    agent, Lyles Insurance, Wheelersburg, Ohio
    A big part of that answer depends on which company you were insured with beforehand, and how much shopping around you plan to do afterwards. Some companies go harder on DUI's than other companies. Getting multiple quotes from high risk companies would be the best way to minimize the damage done. An independent agent who specializes in high risk auto insurance would be the ideal place to look.
    Answered on March 24, 2014
  2. 37376 POINTS
    David G. Pipes, CLU®, RICP®
    Business Development Officer, T.D. McNeil Insurance Services, Fresno, California
    The penalty for driving under the influence of alcohol comes in four ways generally.  There is almost always a judicial penalty which may include a suspension and a filing of an SR-21 form.  This can be very costly.  Frequently there is remedial driver’s training, which is an additional expense.  Sometimes community service is required which takes time away from work.  Then there is insurance.  Most companies really don’t want drivers with a DUI on their record and they price accordingly.  You can anticipate at least a 50% increase in premium, but in California you also lose a good drivers discount of 20%, so the cumulative result often leads to an increase of almost 100%.
    Answered on June 11, 2014
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