If you are denied life insurance, there are almost certainly other options out there for you. Sometimes declines come simply because someone applied for a policy which does not accept their health condition in any form. However, there may be lots of companies that do accept your health condition. Sometimes the underwriting process ends simply because some records never arrived, or some other technicality. Applying with another company may have a much better result.
If the decline was due to a health condition that was unexpected (such as finding out your blood glucose was high on the life insurance exam) or your medical records showed more serious health details than you thought, there are simplified issue policies that utilize much more lenient underwriting. And if even that does not work, there are guaranteed issue policies for many people.
Talk to an impaired risk specialist who can assess your situation and lead you to a policy for which you can qualify.
If the decline was due to a health condition that was unexpected (such as finding out your blood glucose was high on the life insurance exam) or your medical records showed more serious health details than you thought, there are simplified issue policies that utilize much more lenient underwriting. And if even that does not work, there are guaranteed issue policies for many people.
Talk to an impaired risk specialist who can assess your situation and lead you to a policy for which you can qualify.