If you are in the midst of cancer treatments, unfortunately, it is difficult to get life insurance. If you are over age 45, there are guaranteed issue policies that you can get. They pay 100% of the death benefit from day one for accidental death. For death by natural causes (any type of illness), they have a graded period for 2-3 years in which they will pay a portion of the death benefit. After the graded period, they will pay the full death benefit.
A year or two after your last treatment, you can get a simplified issue policy that may or may not be graded. And the longer you are cancer free, the more options you have.
My recommendation is to get whatever coverage you can, and then replace it with less expensive life insurance with better features as you become eligible for them. Everyone's hope is that you will eventually be able to get a regular policy for whatever amount you wish, because you will be a cancer survivor.
A year or two after your last treatment, you can get a simplified issue policy that may or may not be graded. And the longer you are cancer free, the more options you have.
My recommendation is to get whatever coverage you can, and then replace it with less expensive life insurance with better features as you become eligible for them. Everyone's hope is that you will eventually be able to get a regular policy for whatever amount you wish, because you will be a cancer survivor.